The paradise of carnivores. Here the cattle selected by Sergio Motta are bread, butchered, marinated, matured and cooked. There’s an open view crystal refrigerating room at the entrance, where huge steers are hanging. Right next to it, a spit is turning uninterrupted. The main options are raw meat or cooked very little. Among the dishes not-to-be-missed, the steak tartare tris presented "in a pyramid" and boiled tongue, head, tail, cappello del prete, biancostato, capon and cotechino served with green sauce, mustard, horseradish, fruit mostarda and vegetable giardiniera.
mentre studiava Economia a Verona, passava gli appunti ai compagni, imprenditori vinicoli della Valpolicella: da lì l'amore per il buon cibo e il bere bene. Collabora con Food24 ,Style, Ansa, Class, Il Giornale