For 56 years I’ve walked the road that leads to the restaurant in via Montecuccoli. I’ve walked past that door, trusting the stories told by Aimo Moroni and his cuisine full of flavours and excellent raw materials, cooked together with his wife Nadia. Today Aimo e Nadia’s restaurant has changed appearance but the substance remains the same. This passage started a while ago with chefs Alessandro Negrini and Fabio Pisani, and reached its peak with the recent renovations of the restaurant, which has made the place even cosier. The cuisine of Alessandro and Fabio has remained current while preserving substance and flavours, fully respecting Italian classics but with a modern take.
fotografa professionista, specializzata in ritratto e food, da sempre amante del buon cibo e vino. Non ama mangiare in locali rumorosi e con poca luce
Instagram @frabramby