Being surprised, moved, looking at everything with the eyes of a child. This is the secret of Alberto Buratti, the fuel of the creativity at Koinè, a place that offers good and perfectly cooked products. Here you won’t find just food from the past, but a mix of cultures too. There are recipes like Pancetta di Bettella, kimchi, polenta and cassoeula, a trip around the world in just a mouthful. But if it were up to the chef to choose a dish, the one he’d have if he were sitting in the dining room, it would be Animelle in fricassea.
varesina, classe 1990, laurea in Linguaggi dei Media e Master in Giornalismo. È giornalista freelance, collabora con varie testate e scrive per la televisione. La sua passione? Raccontare il mondo del cibo, quello comfort, che smette di essere solo materia prima e diventa storia da raccontare ed emozione
Ristorante con camere