It seems that elegant hostess Maida Mercuri has understood – I hope the talented new chef Ivan Milani won’t be offended – that she’s the true soul of Al Pont de Ferr. Or better still, that the soul is the atmosphere that Mercuri has created for years now: people know this is a place full of taste, where you can have good food, and even better drinks. Mercuri is a brand. When you come here, you take the evening-package which includes special location with a view of the Navigli; a spectacular cellar from which she pulls out fantastic wines; and the food too, certified by Maida. Milani is the right person beside her.
classe 1974, giornalista professionista, si è a lungo occupato soprattutto di politica e nel tempo libero di cibo. Ora fa esattamente l'opposto ed è assai contento così. Appena può, si butta sui viaggi e sulla buona tavola. Caporedattore di