The Guide to Fine Dining Restaurants in Italy and around the world with awards to the young stars


Morelli all'hotel Viu

Local seasonal ingredients, exotic culinary emotions: these are the foundations of Giancarlo Morelli’s cuisine. Whether at the starred Pomiroeu in Seregno where it all began, or at this new establishment in Porta Volta, they are a constant of his approach. In this case, however, some things differ. Especially aesthetically. We’re inside a recent and modern hotel, a prestigious location where the cook shows assertive skills, but with no experiments as an end in itself. Enjoy the perfectly balanced Risotto and Cotoletta, or the Veal sweetbread with butter aromatised with herbs and apricot jam, crispy kale and bone marrow. A guarantee.

Paolo Scarpellini
Paolo Scarpellini

origini bergamasche, adolescenze bolognesi, una vita da milanese con scappatelle torinesi, ma sempre cttadino del mondo. Come giornalista prima musicale poi enogastronomico, abbina da sempre le sette note a vini, viaggi e ristoranti: adesso oltretutto lo fa anche nelle vesti di music designer e sound sommelier. Curioso e indagatore, ha un debole per le nuove leve e gli chef più creativi


Giancarlo Morelli

Livio Pedroncelli
Marco Franzese
Alessandro Colombo con Simone Marelli


via Fioravanti, 6
20154 - Milano
domenica; aperto solo la sera
20 giorni in agosto
Average price (wine excluded)
70 euro
Tasting menu
90, 110 e 130 euro
Tavolo dello chef per 10 persone

Ristorante con camere