The Guide to Fine Dining Restaurants in Italy and around the world with awards to the young stars


Otto - Bottega & Cucina

Lorenzo Lavezzari in the kitchen, Alan Sanarica in the dining room and 8 guests: this is the format of Otto - Bottega e Cucina. Small numbers to offer a unique experience to their guests. The menu changes often, while the hospitality and the spirit of Otto are a constant. In Lavezzari’s dishes one can notice the influence of his travels and more than that the influence of his teachers, with very different cuisines and personalities. Today these influences can be noticed in the many nuances we can find in the ingredients and in the techniques he uses. The setting is nice and comfortable, the atmosphere is friendly and laid back.

Lisa Casali
Lisa Casali

scienziata ambientale esperta di sostenibilità, in particolare rispetto a cibo e cucina, è responsabile del Pool Inquinamento, autrice del blog Ecocucina e di 6 volumi tra cui "Quanto Basta", "Autoproduzione in cucina" e "Cucinare in lavastoviglie". Da più di un anno conduce la rubrica quotidiana su RDS "Esercizi di Ecostile" per diffondere stili di vita green e antispreco


Lorenzo Lavezzari

Alan Sanarica
Alan Sanarica


via Bertola, 8
20026 - Novate Milanese (Milano)
domenica e lunedì
10 giorni variabili a gennaio e 1-31 agosto
Average price (wine excluded)
80 euro
Tasting menu
45 e 80 euro
Read the menu