Blending Chinese and Italian cuisine: this is the idea on which Serica, born in October 2018, is based. The patron is Mauro Yap, second “Chinese” generation in Milan. His meeting with chef Chang Liu, from Yangzhou, was fruitful. At Serica the food is very interesting, and of almost surprising standards. Stimulating, it’s prepared with excellent techniques; it oozes well developed concepts, and they’ve only just opened. Some dishes will find an even more precise focus in the future. The work in progress looks very promising.
classe 1974, giornalista professionista, si è a lungo occupato soprattutto di politica e nel tempo libero di cibo. Ora fa esattamente l'opposto ed è assai contento così. Appena può, si butta sui viaggi e sulla buona tavola. Caporedattore di