Angelo Fusillo and Paola Totaro are in love and share two passions on top of that: a passion for cooking, and a passion for Apulia, the region where they come from. When they arrived in Milan, they decided to create a new project in town, developing a fertile idea: focusing on excellent products to present their region respectfully of what it can offer to the palate. This is the story behind Olio: it offers an excellent mix of tasty traditional recipes and more contemporary dishes. The chef is very good and respectful, especially with meat. And you’ll really have a good time at Olio’s.
classe 1974, giornalista professionista, si è a lungo occupato soprattutto di politica e nel tempo libero di cibo. Ora fa esattamente l'opposto ed è assai contento così. Appena può, si butta sui viaggi e sulla buona tavola. Caporedattore di