is a modern interpretation of a multi-functional space. It’s the wine shop where you can taste attentively selected surprises («We have visited every winery that appears on our shelves, tasted every wine», owner Alessandra Meddi explains). It’s also a signature bistro that gives a good portrait of Sardinia, with its scents and aromas, thanks to the talented Mauro Ladu and Francesco Vitale.
They approach tradition with a light and contemporary style. We experimented this by tasting simple but perfectly balanced dishes that honour – above all – the products of the island.
classe 1974, giornalista professionista, si è a lungo occupato soprattutto di politica e nel tempo libero di cibo. Ora fa esattamente l'opposto ed è assai contento così. Appena può, si butta sui viaggi e sulla buona tavola. Caporedattore di