The chef guides this restaurant with territorial coherence and attention to modern expectations, choosing raw materials that come straight from his vegetable garden. The classically prepared dishes are destined to intrigue thanks to some small Mediterranean “suggestions”.
You can always find the Uovo di Re Vittorio, that is to say poached egg yolk, truffle and a fondue of toma and fontina. The chef shows the same ability to express himself in the Lamb loin covered with a creamy purée of chestnuts, in total harmony with the delicate red cabbage. And at the end the Mela valdostana is a rich and refreshing interpretation of the local apple.
laureata in Economia e valorizzazione del turismo, è consapevole dell'effetto moltiplicatore che anche solo un ingrediente può avere in un territorio. Da dieci anni viaggia (molto) e racconta tutto quello che assaggia di curioso ed entusiasmante