These pizzaioli from Calabria continue to grow. Indeed, the formidable duo formed by brothers Salvatore and Matteo Aloe seems impossible to stop: not satisfied with the first pizzeria in Castelmaggiore opened in 2010, they opened a second place in Bologna, then in Florence, Torino, Milan (two restaurants here) and Rome.
Plus two branches in London. The secret of Berberè? "High quality pizza with seasonal ingredients and easy to digest,” they say. “There’s a constant research on flour, fermentation, baking techniques". This results in a product that is light both on the palate and the stomach, thanks to the natural leavening, and to the innovative fermentation process, with no yeast.
origini bergamasche, adolescenze bolognesi, una vita da milanese con scappatelle torinesi, ma sempre cttadino del mondo. Come giornalista prima musicale poi enogastronomico, abbina da sempre le sette note a vini, viaggi e ristoranti: adesso oltretutto lo fa anche nelle vesti di music designer e sound sommelier. Curioso e indagatore, ha un debole per le nuove leve e gli chef più creativi