The smile of Guido will make you feel at home immediately. Guido Perino is a chef full of respect. Amélie is his dog, a French bulldog happy to be cuddled by the man who named even a restaurant after her. As soon as we sit, we feel the warm embrace of the chef. The soup of calamari, coconut, lime and chicory is charming. We feel like Amèlie in a way, running happily in search of the person who loves us.
The second course is Red tuna, lettuce, buffalo milk mozzarella and cream of candied lemon. Strong contrasts. Pungent. It tickles the tongue. We laugh, happy to be laughing.
classe 1986, laureato in Scienze politiche. Cresciuto a casatiello dolce, latte di mandorla e scarola con olive e pinoli. Canta e suona la chitarra da sempre. Gira l'Italia alla scoperta di tradizioni e prodotti tipici. Innamorato del cielo azzurro e della sua famiglia