With 116 years of history, the Vicina family livens up with tradition and passion this restaurant which in 2007 moved inside Eataly Lingotto. Born in 1967, Claudio Vicina is the fourth generation to be working in the kitchen. Like his predecessors, he’s guided by unmistakable grace and attention to detail, which can be enjoyed in every expression, from his classic dishes to the more creative ones.
The beauty of his creativity and tradition is enclosed in the not-to-be-missed "bagna caoda da bere”, which is revolutionary in terms of aesthetics. The graceful selection of starters is at home in the dining room of the restaurant, with the elegant and dim lights, the wood furniture, and the abstract works of artist Fiorella Pierobon.
laureata in Economia e valorizzazione del turismo, è consapevole dell'effetto moltiplicatore che anche solo un ingrediente può avere in un territorio. Da dieci anni viaggia (molto) e racconta tutto quello che assaggia di curioso ed entusiasmante