When a restaurant loses its chef after a tragic accident, what follows is a period of bafflement. However, after young Alessandro Narducci passed away, at Acquolina they didn’t lose heart and plucked up their courage. Angelo Troiani returned as executive chef, renewing a style made of research, experiments and local products, in the only starred seafood restaurant in Rome.
The menu includes Capello d’angelo with almond butter and anchovies, Amberjack scottadito... Elegant and original dishes, with some surprises and an excellent selection of wines.
classe 1971, nasce grafico, disegnatore e curioso. Apre il suo blog bloggokin.it nel 2005 quando non era ancora una moda, da allora si occupa e scrive di creatività e di tutto quello che gli gira intorno, cibo e ristorazione compresi