This restaurant can set an example for those places that have medium-high ambitions, which is the category in which we suffer the most, in Italy. At Fabrizio Sepe’s restaurant, on the contrary, everything works perfectly and while it is true that you will not enjoy a memorable experience, it is also true that you won’t find another tasting menu with 7 well-made courses for the price of 45 euros.
There’s a choice of seafood menu (Grilled scallops, French beans, coriander and Venere rice wafer), a turf one (Pork cheeks with cacciatora sauce, pak choi, American potatoes and cardoncelli mushrooms) and a varied list of wines.
Romano di stanza a Milano, sommelier e giornalista del quotidiano Il Giornale, racconta da anni i sapori delle città in cui vive