The warmth of brown wood combined with some bright colors that recall a more minimal and linear approach: this is L’Erba del Re, a safe, reassuring ground that starts from the rich Modenese tradition to take even the most hesitant guest for a journey that revisits classic recipes with a personal take, never leaving the strain towards a clean and tasteful dish. In chef Luca Marchini’s dishes there’s research, attention, and an instinct that is softened by refined culinary references, a hidden determination to find a balance, and a fancy, never obvious safety, dotted by a few bolder touches.
mentre studiava Economia a Verona, passava gli appunti ai compagni, imprenditori vinicoli della Valpolicella: da lì l'amore per il buon cibo e il bere bene. Collabora con Food24 ,Style, Ansa, Class, Il Giornale