Riccardo Agostini’s cuisine has a charming way of combining Romagna’s lusty attitude with mountain ingredients, without fears for the river waters. The tasting menu, very accessible, is the best business card for any foodie’s visit. The wine cellar has a few gems and some vintage wine, as well as cheaper options. It’s hard to dwell on the single dishes, better to speak of the impressive freshness of the vegetables, or about the choice of using the grill for backyard meats such as the guinea fowl, the duck or the rabbit, as well as for Romagna’s emblems such as the sheep (Passatelli, eggplants, smoke and sheep).
Dopo una formazione scientifica si è sempre dedicato alla gastronomia: lavora da anni per l'Osteria Francescana, scrive per Dispensa, è tra i fondatori del progetto Postrivoro ed è curatore di Al Meni