Marta Scalabrini, born in 1982, decided to become a chef after a career in visual marketing that still informs her creations. For her restaurant, she designed two menus: one devoted to tradition and another, mostly seafood-based, in which you can find the sharp form of a new life, that draws from tradition but then spreads its wings towards another dimension. Where cappelletti are stuffed with salt cod and swim in a lemon-and-caper water, while the octopus flirts with berries and beetroots. Her partners in this adventure are Ivan Giglio and Giorgio Falzarano: a fresh and quick kitchen brigade that shines when it comes to desserts or to the challenge of recreating a childhood-like palate.
folli amanti dell’alta cucina, in totale sono una ventina, sempre alla ricerca di emozioni. La causa? Un’irresistibile Passione Gourmet