Terry Giacomello, one of the most international and creative of our chefs, took the reins of this venue, instantly infused it with his constant strive for innovation and research, and with a desire to surprise his clients. A spirit that doesn’t grow dim with time: his most recent tasting menu is, in his words, the most creative of his career. But beware: Giacomello’s cuisine is not «complicated». It’s playful, it jokes with the guest’s perception, deceives and amazes, without ever forgetting to be rewarding for the palate.
Giornalista milanese nato nel 1976, a 8 anni gli hanno regalato un disco di Springsteen e non si è più ripreso. Musica e gastronomia sono le sue passioni. Autore e conduttore di Radio Popolare dal 1997, dal 2014 nella redazione di Identità Golose - twitter @niccolovecchia