Osteria Casa di Mare – Luca Gardini, wine hotshot, world’s best sommelier in 2010 and beating heart of BIWA (Best Italian Wine Awards), went back to his Romagna and opened his Casa di Mare in Forlì. The climate is informal, nice and welcoming; the food offer is focused on Adriatic fish, starting with blue fish. Quality seafood and a dynamic cooking both traditional (the fried food is very light) and contemporary (the cuttlefish with coffee and lemon is delicious). The credit goes to 28-year-old Simone Di Gennaro, executive chef of the restaurant since 2008.
Autrice del libro Gli anni d'oro della cucina parmigiana, per l'Accademia Italiana della Cucina, collabora a “Gusto”, pagina golosa della Gazzetta di Parma