The luxury hotel La Perla is home to this extremely charming gourmet restaurant. The food prepared by Nicola Laera (of Apulian origin) is marked by quality products and a skillful execution. In his menus we find the flavors of the mountains as well as some Mediterranean hints and some inspiration from Eastern cuisine.
This way, we can travel between the Beef tartare from the maso Ciampidel with sesame pop-corn, Alpine blue-sow-thistle, sorrel and creamed anchovies, to the Porto Santo Spirito’s red prawn with ham and melon and fermented mushrooms’ broth.
Bellunese, classe 1972, è giornalista freelance e da un decennio collabora con diverse testate enogastronomiche venete e nazionali. Dirige il web magazine
Ristorante con camere