A road in the fields that leads to the ancient Abbazia di Passignano, vineyards all around, a little medieval hamlet and a stone and bricks building with the interior décor of an aristocratic country residence: this is Osteria di Passignano, founded and well-tended by Marcello Crini, patron in charge of the dining hall and the wine cellar of this little gem owned by the Antinori family.
In the kitchen, Nicola Damiani’s staff works along the line of a strong «tuscanity» concept, but free from any cliché. From the menu, our suggestion is to order the squab, but they also offer more innovating dishes, often with unexpected ingredients such as fish, shellfish, and caviar.
Toscana doc, detesta la noia culinaria e ed è disposta a mettere a dura prova il palato curiosando nel pianeta cibo. Viaggia, scandaglia, assaggia e soprattutto si diverte