After biting into one of Antonio Polzella’s excellent creations, we are so satisfied we end up imagining that in his veins, instead of blood, flows flour, water and yeasts. He churns out breads, pizzas and focaccias worthy of the best pizza makers around the Vesuvius.
And he is a volcano of ideas himself, juggling between basic doughs with special flours and original ingredients (among the new pizzas, the one with apricot and melon) and quality toppings (Prato mortadella cooked in Alchermes with toasted pine nuts, creamed Certaldo onions, fiordilatte and ricotta: simply sublime).
Toscana doc, detesta la noia culinaria e ed è disposta a mettere a dura prova il palato curiosando nel pianeta cibo. Viaggia, scandaglia, assaggia e soprattutto si diverte
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