All the energy in the world and all the four elements converges on the sea shore: the fire of the sun, the air of the sea breeze, the land and the water. Torre del Saracino is still the proud holder of the best international culinary trophies and the common thread of Gennaro Esposito’s cuisine is neater and cleaner by the year. His table is enjoyable, Italian in its ingredients and style, light and sophisticated but determined and personal at the same time.
Not to be missed: the Spider crab soup with a sauce made from its coral, zucchini flowers pesto and fregola, a beautifully balanced dish.
classe 1974, napoletano emigrato al Sud, sommelier e assaggiatore di caffè, è convinto che chi è nato a Vico Equense, come lui, sia inderogabilmente munito di imprinting gourmet. Vive, scrive e organizza eventi a Palermo, ma mangia e beve ovunque