January 7, 1900: that’s when the story of this Locanda and the Dal Farra’s family started. Renzo’s grandparents – he’s the current owner and chef, assisted by young Paolo Speranzon – opened a simple osteria to host those who worked in a nearby mill. Now the restaurant offers a sophisticated selection that at the same time is loyal to the territory: a glorious showcase of delicacies such as the Alpago lamb, the stream fish or delicious vegetables like the gialèt bean. No boundaries, though: here you’re also going to find some Adriatic catch and Mediterranean treats in some tasty recipes.
Bellunese, classe 1972, è giornalista freelance e da un decennio collabora con diverse testate enogastronomiche venete e nazionali. Dirige il web magazine dolomitireview.com
Ristorante con camere