Renato Bosco synthesized a new idea of pizza, breaking down the borders between focaccia and Neapolitan style. Searching for new textures, charmed by the call of sourdough, this pizza-researcher invented his signature dish: The Crunch and Double Crunch Pizza, an extremely crispy dough that keeps a nice tenderness on the inside and is pleasant to the palate. But Renato is unstoppable: throughout the years he churned out a Pizza in pala, with a fragrant dough and a strong bread flavor, and Aria di pane, light and fluffy, made with sourdough only.
mentre studiava Economia a Verona, passava gli appunti ai compagni, imprenditori vinicoli della Valpolicella: da lì l'amore per il buon cibo e il bere bene. Collabora con Food24 ,Style, Ansa, Class, Il Giornale