In this restaurant, cuisine is marked by a certain Venetian tradition, though revisited and enriched with creativity and lightness. Here you can eat some excellent fish with Sant’Erasmo’s vegetables, creamed salt cod with polenta, sardine in saor and much more. Recently they hired a new chef, the young Italian-Albanese Najada Frasheri, that with the constant support of Irina Freguia, the impetuous owner, she built a balanced, tasty and healthy menu. In her Spaghettone with bottarga and Sorrento lemon emulsion you can taste the salty flavor that reminds you of the taste of fish, both dried and fresh.
veneziana d'adozione, materana per amore, è laureata in Storia medievale e su tutto ama fare due cose: leggere e mangiare bene. Ha lavorato per anni in una casa editrice, ora lavora come ufficio stampa e PR nel mondo del food e non potrebbe essere più felice