Maria Chiara Guastadisegni and Antonio Blasi’s career in the kitchen was unexpected. Their restaurant in Spoltore is a period building that’s been restored with a contemporary eye, where a single, long table fills the dining hall with a maximum of 22 seated guests.
Tamo’s cooking is a compendium of travels and life experiences: Abruzzo meets the rest of the world. And while Maria Chiara is in charge of baking and desserts, as well as being head of the dining hall, Tonino shows an absolute precision in his performance, preserving his local products’ quality and bringing out all the seafood’s flavors with cooking techniques and pairings.
classe 1983, laureata in Economia, dapprima editrice e poi giornalista freelance, si appassiona al mondo della cucina dopo l'incontro con Heinz Beck nel 2012