Emanuele Izzo, born in 1986, is our Sommelier of the Year, thanks to the great professionalism, passion, and preparation he shows in running the wine list. But by praising him, we pay a tribute to the entire Izzo family, including his parents Michele and Lucia, their other sons Maicol (born in 1993, he trained as a chef and worked in prestigious kitchens including Esposito, Colagreco, Albert Adrià’s elBarri group) and Valerio, born in 1991, who is learning the art of hospitality.
It’s an Italian family story of entrepreneurial growth, brick by brick: their dad opened a pizzeria in 2003, and then became an expert in grilled meat. In 2015 the gourmet turning point. Now Piazzetta Milù is a point of reference, a place where you’ll have a fabulous time. And as of January 2019, Maicol Izzo is at the helm of the kitchen.
classe 1974, giornalista professionista, si è a lungo occupato soprattutto di politica e nel tempo libero di cibo. Ora fa esattamente l'opposto ed è assai contento così. Appena può, si butta sui viaggi e sulla buona tavola. Caporedattore di identitagolose.it