La Capanna di Eraclio is a magic place hanging between the fogs of the lower Ferrara province: near the sea, but far from everywhere. It’s an historic place, managed by the stubborn and passionate Soncini family, that has been running the restaurant with love and character for more than 60 years. Today the kitchen is Maria Grazia’s kingdom, while in the dining hall you can find Pierluigi. The food is a perfect picture of this area: lagoon and High Adriatic fish, always perfectly cooked (the Eel alla bosega is legendary), and the wild game, with coots, mallards… Somewhere on the menu there’s even room for foie gras.
Dopo una formazione scientifica si è sempre dedicato alla gastronomia: lavora da anni per l'Osteria Francescana, scrive per Dispensa, è tra i fondatori del progetto Postrivoro ed è curatore di Al Meni