Tail "alla vaccinara"
Andrea Menichetti - Valeria Piccini
For 4 people
Stuffed red onions
4 Tropea red onions
2 slices of pig's cheek
extra virgin olive oil
900 g of beef tail
100 g of celery
60 g of carrot
80 g of white onion
4 sprigs of thyme
extra virgin olive oil
150 g of caul
Mashed potatoes
250 g of potatoes
100 g of milk
extra virgin olive oil
12 quartered confit tomatoes
200 g of tail base
40 g of celery
40 g of onion
extra virgin olive oil
white wine vinegar
4 pieces of Isomalt crunch with rosemary and breadcrumbs
Stuffed red onions
Cut off the top of the onion, scoop out the inside and finely chop the onion we have removed with the pig's cheek, cooking it slowly in a pan with oil and a little salt. Fill the raw onions with the mixture obtained, add a little salt, wrap individually in kitchen foil and bake in the oven at 150 °C for 45 minutes.
Cut the tail at the joints. We are going to use the larger parts for the dish and the smaller parts and bones to make the base. Bone the pieces of tail and fill them with the celery, carrot and onion cut into sticks and thyme. Wrap in the caul and tie it with string. Place each piece separately in a vacuum bag with salt and a little oil and cook in a bain-marie with the Roner or in a steam oven at 80 °C for 18 hours. Cool in water and ice and reheat with the same method before use.
Mashed potatoes
Boil the potatoes in their skins, peel them, purée them and whisk with oil and hot milk. Add salt to taste.
Dry the tail cooked in the vacuum and fry it until crisp in a non-stick pan with olive oil. Place on kitchen paper and keep hot. Cut the celery and carrot into very fine julienne strips, dress with the vinaigrette and place on the side of the plate. Place a spoonful of mashed potato in the centre, lay the crispy tail on it and drizzle with the tail base. Arrange the stuffed onion and confit tomato petals around the tail. Garnish with the Isomalt crunch.