Federico Zanasi and Ferran Adrià: they’ve opened Condividere in Torino
Congratulations Ferran! «A el. Federico se va convertir en uno de los bullianos mas importantes». Actually one should congratulate Federico, says Ferran Adrià: at last, the greatest gratification has arrived for Federico Zanasi, a chef who, no longer that young – he was born in 1975 – is on the way to conquering a well-deserved fame, thanks to a talent he’s already proven in the past. Zanasi-Adrià make the odd couple at the helm of the kitchen – the latter in front of the stove, the Catalan giving the overall direction – of the new Condividere restaurant created by Lavazza in their new headquarters in Torino (see Adrià-Zanasi: come sarà Condividere, il ristorante nella nuova sede Lavazza). It is signed by Ferran and just opened to the public – as for us, we participated in the preview lunch for the press.
Dante Ferretti designed the scenes in the restaurant
Bob Noto
The menus
Liquid olive
Alice tartufata
Gelato al Parmigiano “Bob Noto”
Joselito Airbaguette
Goffri di farinata
Tramezzino Mulassano
Brioche modenese
Tomino elettrico
Roll of pepper with tuna belly
Chargrilled langoustine with mousse of bottarga
Arroz seco with duck and eel
Josper-cooked Tongue in salmì with salsa verde
Pluma iberica Joselito
Oyster in Trentino
Spumone all’italiana
Torta Tropeccienne
Frutta ubriaca
Nuvola di sambuco
Cestino tropicale tierra
Meringa al cappuccino con ganache al cioccolato
Tappo di sughero
A satisfied Zanasi
Translated into English by Slawka G. Scarso
Condividere Centro direzionale Nuvola Lavazza, via Bologna 20A, Torino tel. +39 011 0897651 condividere.com Open from Tuesday to Friday only in the evening. Open at lunchtime and in the evening on Saturday and only at lunchtime on Sunday. Closed on Monday
journalist born in 1974, for many years he has covered politics, mostly, and food in his free time. Today he does exactly the opposite and this makes him very happy. As soon as he can, he dives into travels and good food. Identità Golose's editor in chief