Andrea Ribaldone's Menu

A special menu created by the Executive chef Andrea Ribaldone.

04-09-2015 | 19:30 e 21:00

The executive chef Andrea Ribaldone of the starred restaurant I Due Buoi in Alessandria, with the contribution of the resident chefs Domenico della Salandra of the restaurant Taglio in Milan and Domenico Schingaro of the restaurant I Due Buoi in Alessandria, has conceived a very special menu specifically studied for the event. The signature dish will be the Spaghetto Milano, the distinctive dish of the kermesse, a tribute of Ribaldone to the city of Milan: Monograno Felicetti spaghettoni cooked in water with a little salt and creamed with previously prepared Milan-style risotto.
The price per person is 75 euros including beverage.