Surprise of the Year for the Guida Identità Golose 2015. Chef of the Year for Guida Identità Golose 2019. In between, four crucial years to transform a young promise into a fully accomplished professional, who’s got more than talent: Gianluca Gorini is perhaps the shiniest star of his generation.
Born in Pesaro, in the Marche, in 1983, he has all the features that lead to important culinary accomplishments: his family was already in the business, he had great teachers and most of all he has a clear view of how to build his career. He’s breathed the aromas of good food since childhood, his mum and uncle ran a trattoria. So it came natural to him to follow this path, «I can’t recall a precise moment when I thought: “I’ll be a chef”. Because as I was raised in a kitchen, for me it came natural. I remember the fantastic scent of home-made fresh pasta. Watching my mum and grandmother making it with their own hands was magic. There was love in what they did, passion», a real imprinting.
As soon as he finished catering school in Pesaro, he started to acquire experience, first in Romagna’s seaside hospitality industry, from his first master, Paolo Teverini, in Bagno di Romagna, then in the inland, on the border with Tuscany: «I was struck by his passion for this profession, by his way of moving in the kitchen. I learnt the importance of understanding raw materials». The next step was going abroad: he took a plane to London, to learn English. But he also found a place in the brigade of Monsieur Max, a French starred restaurant, with chef Alex Bentley: «From him I learnt the importance of organisation, of hierarchy».
The following experience, back in Italy, was crucial: he worked with Paolo Lopriore at Il Canto in Siena, from 2008 to 2012: «this allowed me to see new facets, things that I hadn’t considered until that moment». Today Gorini is considered Lopriore’s pupil par excellence. In 2012, when he started working with Francesco Bracali, he got the Best Emerging Chef in Central Italyaward. In 2013 they asked him to work at Le Giare in Montiano, back in Romagna; patron Claudio Amadori betted on him and that was his debut as chef. Four intense years followed, during which Italian gourmets started to discover his style: «I start from old memories and add the innovations I’ve experimented. I want to cook in the truest possible way, I want to communicate myself with transparency and sincerity, through the way I use raw materials». In September 2017 he returned to San Piero, in Bagno di Romagna. Here he opened DaGorini with his wife Sara Silvani. He’s the patron-chef. The acknowledgements came right away, as we’ve seen.
He says: «Experience, determination, competence and coincidences. I think this can be a good summary of my career».