Millefeuille of Apple, Meringue, Seed Crackers, Panettone and D’O Spices

Davide Oldani

Foto: Brambilla-Serrani

Foto: Brambilla-Serrani

Serves 4

For the seed crackers layer

125 g flour
100 g warm water
35 g extra virgin olive oil
3 g fine salt
1 g fresh yeast
1 g baking powder
4 g white and black sesame seeds
4 g flax seeds
4 g poppy seeds
4 g sunfl ower seeds

For the meringue layer

100 g egg whites
62 g sugar Eridania Zefiro
62 g icing sugar Eridania Velo

For the sugar layer
150 g cane sugar Eridania Tropical
50 almond flour

For the apple layer
1 green apple
100 g water
100 sugar Eridania Zefi ro
20 g lemon juice

For the phyllo pastry layer
100 g phyllo pastry
40 g melted butter
20 icing sugar Eridania Velo

For the panettone layer
1/4 frozen panettone without raisins or peel

For the chocolate layer
200 g chocolate Ocoa Cacao

For the dark chocolate ganache

150 g chocolate Ocoa Cacao
100 g heavy cream
12 g glucose
20 butter
1 g Maldon salt
2 g mixed spices: cardamom, star anise, cinnamon

To finish
2 g D’O spices: orange, lemon, cinnamon, vanilla, star anise, cloves, juniper berry

For the seed crackers layer
Dissolve the yeast and salt in the warm water, add the oil then the fl our si& ed together with the baking powder. Spread the mixture on a silpat (silicone mat) to a thickness of 2 mm, divide in triangles with a toothpick, sprinkle with seeds and bake at 190°C for 9 minutes.

For the meringue layer

Beat the egg whites, add the granulated sugar slowly. Once it is incorporated. Add the icing sugar gradually, gently incorporating it by hand. Spread it 2 mm thick on parchment paper. Dry in the oven at 65°C for one and a half hours.

For the sugar layer
Caramelize the sugar, remove from heat and add the almond fl our. Spread it on a silpat, cover with a sheet of parchment paper, with the help of a rolling pin roll until 2 mm thick.

For the apple layer
Slice the apple in slices 2 mm thick. Prepare a syrup of sugar and water, when it boils, remove from heat, add the lemon juice and the apple slices. Drain them and dry in the oven on parchment paper or silpat at 65°C for approximately 3 hours.

For the pasta phyllo pastry layer
Brush the phyllo pastry with the melted butter and dust with the icing sugar. Bake in the oven, between two sheets of parchment paper and two baking trays, at 190°C for 7 minutes.

For the panettone layer
Using an electric slicer, cut the . frozen panettone in slices 2 mm thick and bake them in the oven between two baking trays at 190° for 7 minutes.

For the chocolate layer

Temper the chocolate and spread it thinly on an acetate sheet, when it is cold, cut with the tip of a hot, sharp knife.

For the dark chocolate ganache
Bring the heavy cream to a boil with the glucose and spices. Filter and pour over the chocolate and butter in small pieces. Mix thoroughly until completely amalgamated. Cool, then whip and serve with flakes of Maldon salt.

To finish
Using a pastry bag, place the ganache irregularly on the plate. Place the various layers irregularly on the plate, keeping them in place with the ganache and dust with D’O spices.