Fabrizio Mantovani
crediti: Brambilla - Serrani
Fabrizio Mantovani, owner of many intelligent businesses in Faenza, from a gourmet restaurant to a green grocer’s, is one of those people it’s hard to define. Not because they escape or wear masks. Simply said, Fabrizio has many strings to his bow. The son of green grocers, he’s always known the power of the market. He attended catering school and upon becoming an adult his eyes began to look at wider horizons: «When I started my job, I realised there was not just a single way to express a concept through food. Food for me has always been many things: images, faces, sounds, colours, art, design. Shape has always followed flavour. I cannot imagine one of my installations without a shape. And without music either».
Music? Indeed, it is essential. It’s a match we find at Condivinsorzio which he opened together with musician and composer Simone Vignola: «I need music. My cooking is a consequence. This is why I look for these performances, which I’d call urban, a constant overlapping of expressions. Contamination is the sound basis for my offer. Tasting is action. It’s not a simple moving of food through the palate and stomach».
And from this a thousand more things spring, like his ideas on shape and taste: «By now we should have understood this... food is one of the turning point topics in the world of design. Chefs and producers test themselves equally, and constantly, with conceptual and aesthetical approaches. They don’t create just new technical innovations in the kitchen but are committed in making food a mirror of our culinary culture».
Until the most important thought, connected with an idea which is never only his alone: «In the kitchen, together with my team we form a group that develops a concept. We think multiple ideas are more important than the single idea». The more things they think, say and share, the more you grow and the happier the guests will be, when in the evening they’ll enjoy the delicious food of the gourmet space at Hotel Vittoria and in the morning a breakfast that has few equals, and perhaps will later go to the centre and relax.
In February 2019 the closing of FM con gusto.
Has participated in
Identità Milano
born in Milan in March 1955, at Il Giornale for 31 years dividing himself between sports and food, since 2004 he's the creator and curator of Identità Golose.
blog www.paolomarchi.it
instagram instagram.com/oloapmarchi