Natural cuttlefish
Jordi Vilà
For the cuttlefish
1 cuttlefish
extra virgin olive oil
For the cuttlefish base
1 Figueras onion
1 green pepper
2 g of grated ginger
For the spleen sauce
1 fresh spleen
1 g of saffron
1 spoonful of hazelnut paste
extra virgin olive oil
red stock
For the ginger
100 g of ginger
50 ml of sake
100 ml of rice vinegar
50 g of sugar
For the cuttlefish ink sauce
4 medium Figueras onions
8 cloves of garlic
1 chili
1 bay leaf
2 green peppers
2 Roseval potatoes
1.5 l of red stock
2 sachets of cuttlefish ink
For the cuttlefish
Clean the cuttlefish and cut it into very fine sheets. Dress with oil and salt. Place in vacuum bags and cook for 15 minutes at 50 °C.
For the cuttlefish base
Fry and peel the green pepper. Cut the onion and pepper into julienne strips. Cook the onion with oil, salt and ginger, making sure it doesn't brown. When cooked, add the pepper and set to one side.
For the spleen sauce
Sauté the spleen, add salt to taste, sear, add the hazelnut paste and the saffron and cover with the stock, leaving it to boil for 5 minutes. Blend, adding oil, and filter.
For the ginger
Cut the ginger with the slicer on setting 1. Then cut it into small rectangles and blanche them three times.
Boil the sake, add the sugar and the vinegar, raise the heat and add the ginger. Leave to marinate for several days.
For the cuttlefish ink sauce
Cut all the vegetables finely and set to one side. Toss the oil, bay leaf and chili in oil, without browning. Add the onion and salt.
Add water until the onion is cooked but not browned. Add the potato and the pepper and continue cooking for another 5 minutes. Cover with the stock and leave to boil until the potato is soft. Remove the chili and the bay leaf and set some of the stock to one side. Blend the vegetables with the cuttlefish ink and add the stock a little at a time to make the sauce creamy.
Cut the cabbage and turnip into sticks, place them in vinegar and syrup.
Place the sauce in a ring on the plate, creating a pattern with the spleen sauce and the sliced ginger. Heat the cuttlefish with a little of its base and build it into a tower on top of the sauce. Complete with two sticks of cabbage and turnip and a slice of ginger.