Roasted winter leek with fermented leek juice
Roasted leek
Fermented leek juice
Leek oil
Quail egg
Tarragon salt (for seasoning leek and egg)
Roasted leek
Remove the green from leek, wash, chop roughly and reserve for leek oil. Remove 2-3 of the outer layers of the leek until you have paler colour more tender leek. Roasted on medium heat in onion oil until the leek in softened slightly with nicely roasted outer skin.
Fermented leek juice
Juice whole leeks and the white trimming from the leeks for roasting, add 2% salt to the leek juice, dissolving the salt in a small amount of juice. Place the juice in a sterilized jar and allow to ferment at room temperature.
Leek oil
Blitz 360g of vegetable oil with 340g leek greens at full speed for 4 minutes. Pass through a chinois and freeze, the water from leeks will freeze allowing you to have a green oil, if needed let pass through a muslin and refreeze again to take excess water from oil if necessary.
Quail egg
Crack quail egg into water, remove from water removing any shells, place in a round mould coated with a little clarified butter, steam at 85 degrees celcius for 1 minute or until the white is slightly set.
Tarragon salt
Blitz a handful of tarragon with coarse sea salt and pass through a drum sieve to remove any fibres or remaining coarse salt.