Rose goat
Paolo Lopriore
For 4 people
1 adult coat saddle
300 g of yué ji Bai n°3 tea
1.5 l of water
natural salt
4 rose petals
Bone the goat saddle, carefully remove the nerves and place in the freezer.
Prepare an infusion of 75 g of tea with 200 g of water at 90 °C. Leave in infusion for 8 minutes, filter and pass the rehydrated leaves in a juicer to obtain an essence.
Grind the rest of the tea into powder and boil the remaining water.
Place 5 drops of previously prepared tea extract on each serving plate. Lay a slice of not-too-thin goat's meat (sliced using a slicer) on each drop. Dress each slice with another drop of extract, the tea powder, the natural salt and the rose petals.
Serve with a bowl of water, in which to dip each slice of meat, drinking the stock obtained at the end.