Luigi Scordamaglia is General Manager at Inalca Spa, leader in Europe in the industry of cattle meat and of food distribution with a turnover of 2.1 billion euros, with plants and distribution plants in 10 countries outside the EU and 7000 employees.
He's also, among other things:
- General manager at Agri-Energy, joint venture between Eni and Bonifiche Ferraresi, leader in Italy in agriculture and precision farming) quoted at the stock exchange in Milan. The joint venture has the goal of uniting the experience, technology and know-how of two national champions like Eni and BF for research, experiments and to pursue innovative projects in the sector of biofuels in Italy and Africa;
- Board member at Filiera Italia which unites the main brands in the Italian food industry with the excellence of agricultural production represented by Coldiretti and large scale distribution;
- Board member at Cai - Consorzi Agrari d’Italia, a network that has revenues of over 650 million euros each year, with over 11K members and represents the largest platform to allocate the national agricultural production. To this day Bonifiche Ferraresi spa, Consorzio dell’Emilia, Consorzio del Tirreno, Consorzio Centro Sud and Consorzio Adriatico are part of Cai. Its operations are located in 23 provinces in 7 regions.
- President of Assocarni, the association of Italian meat industry.
- President of Zakłady mięsne sochocin sp. z o.o. (Poland).
- Board member at Cluster Agrifood, the entity that coordinates in Italy the relationship between public institutions, universities and private companies to foster research in the food and agricultural industries, with specific functions for internationalization.
- Vice president of Confindustria Assafrica, an association for the development of Italian businesses in Africa, in the Mediterranean Basin and in the Middle East.
- Member of the European Food & Agrobusiness Advisory Board at Rabobank.
- member of the Comitato Imprenditoriale Italia-Russia (nominated with DM 624 of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
- member of the Comitato Nutrizionale of the Ministry of Health.
- Member of the Scientific committee at Osservatorio sulla criminalità nell’agricoltura e sul sistema agroalimentare.
- Member of the Scientific Committee at Fondazione Divulga.
A graduate in Veterinarian Sciences from the University of Perugia, where he completed a PhD on “Development, hygiene, health and quality of animal production”. He completed the diploma in “Animal Inspection” at Università di Torino. And the Master in "Finanza Aziendale e Controllo di Gestione” from the Faculty of Economics at Università di Modena. He's Cavaliere dell’Ordine al merito della Repubblica Italiana, as well as honorary academic at Accademia Italiana della Cucina.