«If Identità Golose Milano opens again, it’s a nice sign for everyone», some chefs told Paolo Marchi a few days ago. And the first international hub of gastronomy indeed opens again on the 3rd of June. With many news and all the possible caution, even greater than what is prescribed by law, because the spirit of conviviality will be the usual, but we need to do things more than well, in the days of Coronavirus and its long tail.
The format changes a little so it can remain the same: the programme with guest chefs will be the same, starting with Philippe Léveillé who will open the works. As for the complete programme, you can read it in this other article. Here’s a spoiler though, quoting the message given by Claudio Ceroni, founder and soul of all theIGactivities with Marchi:
Dear Friends, Identità Golose Milano will open again on the 3rd of June.
A very rich programme awaits you, with the participation of great chefs: Philippe Léveillé, Manuel and Christian Costardi, Renato Bosco, Alfonso Caputo, Andrea Ribaldone with Enrico Marmo and many more. Great professionals whom we thank for their choice of reacting with us, with faith, to an extraordinarily difficult moment.
Our commitment is to once again welcome you in safety, being able to count on large spaces and on the summer which will make it even more pleasant to choose a table outdoor, in our dehors. This is why we invite you to book your dinner table from now. Of course we also await you at lunchtime, to enjoy the summer menu created by Andrea Ribaldone and our resident chef Simone Maurelli with new and delicious recipes designed for take away.
It will be a pleasure to welcome you once again, with a smile, in Via Romagnosi 3!

I have just participated in a video conference during which Marchi andCeroni, connected with all those who participate in some way in the Identità Golose Milano adventure. This was not just a chance to meet, though at a distance, after weeks of lockdown solitude; it was also a way to test new formats, because the hub will open again but at the same time will enrich its natural virtual and technological vocation to become a meeting point for wine and food (and tourism, hospitality, financial and entrepreneurial world…) online too.
Hence events, conferences and meetings with online audiences connected through the new Identità Golose Milano platform, tailor made for the current situation, but which will become a stable option, so as to implement an offer always in line with the moment («The old discussion, but through new dynamics and optimal solutions that make use of high tech tools», Cinzia Benzi concluded when presenting the project). «In collaboration with Cvm we launch this new tool, with a greater performance compared to those we have tested in these months, because it allows us to control every aspect of the content we will share, through our direction in Via Romagnosi. A very innovative system – Ceroni explained – This is the eve of a new phase, which will follow the previous one, of loss. But we are now launching new ideas for the future, being fully aware that the digital world offers us an alternative road and important work opportunities, though human relations are still our vocation and a crucial characteristic of ours».

Lo staff of Identità during the "dress rehearsals" of the new digital format
IGM activities will continue throughout the month of June, before a summer break longer than usual, given the situation, to start again in September: «We are a voice, we want to open again and make our voice heard so that we can also give voice to Italian cuisine, which is our mission»,
Ceroni said at the end, passing the microphone to
Paolo Marchi: «Thanks to the live events on Instagram, which will continue throughout June, I saw that the mood in the restaurant industry went from very dark (with the uncertainties and the ongoing lack of clarity from the central government and the regional authorities) to much lighter notes –
Marchi explained. – People will continue to be worried for a while; but our opening is a nice sign because many, if not everyone, acknowledge our capacity of acting as a loudspeaker for our industry, in Italy and abroad. The fact we can go back to work has given strength to us, and as a consequence, also to those who work in our same industry. We’re very satisfied with the response we had from chefs. They want to go back to work and to be our guests too: my conclusion is that we have sown very good seeds. They recognise our competence, skill and, while we can of course make mistakes, this is always in good faith».

Claudio Scavizzi, CEO at MagentaBureau, that is to say the “headquarters” of all of IG’s activities, also spoke: «We’re sanitising all the rooms; we will further strengthen the already active hygiene procedures; we will guarantee social distancing both between workers – who will always wear masks – and guests; temperatures will be constantly monitored, and there will be sanitising gel, with an in-house Covid manager who will manage every hygiene-health safety measure». Reservations through The Fork, which has always been one of the fortes at the hub, will become mandatory, so that we can better manage entrance and exit. Because Identità Golose Milano is back, but in total safety.
Translated into English by Slawka G. Scarso