Bread with ricotta
Andrea Menichetti
For 8 baguettes
1.4 kg of strong wholemeal flour
600 g of W 350 (manitoba) flour
1 l of water
130 g of extra virgin olive oil
20 g of brewer's yeast
300 g of mother yeast
20 g of honey
15 g of malt
40 g of salt
1 sheep's milk ricotta weighing about 200 g
The evening before making the bread, shape the ricotta into 9 parallelepipeds, salt them and leave the whey to drain out on kitchen paper.
The day after, place the liquids, brewer's yeast and mother yeast in the mixer; run for 5-7 minutes, until everything is mixed together, then add the flours, malt and honey. Continue working until the dough is formed and add the salt. Continue until the dough is smooth and supple. Set aside to rise for 3 hours at 28-30° C, then roll the dough out on a rolling board to a thickness of 5 mm. Leave to rest for 2 minutes, take the strips of ricotta and wrap them one and half times around the dough; seal and leave then to rise again for 2 hours in the same conditions. Bake at 200° C for 20-25 minutes.