Some of the protagonists of the press conference organised yesterday by Unione Italiana Food at the Identità’s Hub, a preview of the World Pasta Day taking place today. Right to left, Enrico Derflingher and Laurel Evans, Marcello Zaccaria and Stephanie Cabibbo, Carlo Bresciani and Mime Kataniwa
Like every year since 1998, today, 25th October 2022, the world celebrates the 25th edition of the World Pasta Day, a global event organised by IPO (International Pasta Organization) and Unione Italiana Food. «This year’s edition», Riccardo Felicetti of Pastificio Felicetti in Predazzo (Trento), supporter of the event since its origins helps us summarise its spirit, «is of crucial importance because it celebrates our food not only in Italy but globally. It’s an occasion to discuss a product that is not just in the past or in the present, but above all in the future. Why the future? Because excluding those allergic to gluten, pasta, in its simplest form, that is to say made with durum wheat and water, is subject to no dietary or religious restriction or barrier: it's a good and healthy food, perfectly compatible with the choices of vegetarians and vegans and has a minimal impact on nature. It also shows a twofold importance: vertical in that it unites very different generations, and horizontal because it’s an invitation to conviviality. I’m happy to notice that young people love it more and more, and they represent an important part of todays’ audience». As we write, our inbox is invaded by the most varied pasta-led initiatives of brands and influencers. And, if you try to search up #pasta on various social media, you will find a flow of pasta dishes of all kinds, origin and colour, the deserved epilogue of a year in which the hashtag – thanks also to the debate on passive cooking supported by Nobel laureate Giorgio Parisi – was searched over 100 million times.
Riccardo Felicetti, pasta producer from Trentino
The interesting infographic created for the 2022 World Pasta Day by Unione Italiana Food
Last night we had a juicy preview of the World Pasta Day at Identità Golose’s Hub, in Via Romagnosi in Milan. Francesca Romana Barberini introduced some of the themes of the day on behalf of the Italian pasta producers of Unione Italiana Food, who organised the evening. With her, in the Sala Ovale, there were also actor and host Chiara Francini and Mario Piccialuti, general director of the association, who gave us some of the numbers you find below. After the short introduction, three teams competed, each one made of two members, a cook and an influencer. The contest’s goal was to cook a pasta dish with Italian roots and an element from their country of origin. There were Enrico Derflingher and Laurel Evans (Taglioline with prawns and courgettes) representing the US, Stephanie Cabibbo and chef Marcello Zaccaria (Spaghetti with clams cooked risotto style, hazelnut milk and foie gras) for France, and Carlo Bresciani and Mime Kataniwa (Square spaghetti with cream of aubergines, ricotta and miso) for Japan. France won.
Actress Chiara Francini and Francesca Romana Barberini, host and tv author, yesterday at the Hub
For more details on the 2022 World Pasta Day programme, visit internationalpasta.org
Translated into English by Slawka G. Scarso
Reviews, recommendations and trends from Italy, signed by all the authors of Identità Golose
This article is curated by Identità Golose, the publication that organises the international fine dining congress, publishes website www.identitagolose.com and the online Guida Identità Golose, on top of curating many other events in Italy and abroad
All the protagonists of the 11th edition of Identità di Pasta, an important segment of the Congress in Milan. From the top left corner, clockwise: Matias Perdomo, Martina Caruso, Davide Guidara, Carlo Cracco, Cristiano Tomei, Andrea Berton, Valeria Piccini and Gianfranco Pascucci. Save the date for Sunday 25th October, Sala Blu 1, from 11 am to 5.50 pm. Register here