Franco Aliberti
Camomile Krapfen
400 g of milk (of which 300 to use)
30 g of camomile flowers
4 eggs
40 g of brewer’s yeast
1 g of salt
100 g of sugar
200 g of “0” flour
800 g of “00” flour
200 g of butter
Coffee and caramel biscuit
230 g of brown sugar
100 g of cream
300 g of butter
630 g of “00” flour
20 g of instant coffee
60 g of egg yolks
5 g baking powder
For the camomile Krapfen
Leave the camomile flowers in infusion in the milk for 24 hours, filter, take 300g, add the eggs and the yeast and mix so it dissolves well. Pour the flour, salt and sugar in a planetary mixer, and mix with the leaf beater, gradually pouring the liquids to obtain a smooth mixture. Then add the butter cut in small pieces and soften evenly. Roll out the dough on a baking tray, fold four times (3-4-3-4), each time after a 30 minute interval. Roll out again until you obtain a thickness of 1 cm and leave to rest so that the dough can relax. Cut the dough with a round cutter, cover the discs with a sheet of Clingfilm and leave to rise for about an hour at 31°C. Fry in oil at a temperature of 180°C and, once cold, pass the krapfen in the sugar, previously blended with the camomile flowers.
For the coffee and caramel biscuit
Make a caramel with the brown sugar, de-cook it with the hot cream and finally add a little butter at a time. Leave the pat to cool in the fridge.
Mix the cold pat in the planetary mixer with a leaf beater with the other ingredients, roll out, give the chosen shape and bake in the oven at 167° for 20 minutes circa.