Lello Ravagnan
credits: Brambilla - Serrani
Lello Ravagnan, in his Grigoris, in Mestre’s inland side of Venice, continues to state his never banal opinion on leavened products and the like. He uses the muscular flour produced by Molino Quaglia near Padua, with a monolithic name: Petra. Leavening is a matter of constant research, a never reached destination for this Ulysses with a peel in hand. The ingredients include plenty of Slow Foodpresidia, from “A” - the Alice masculina da magghia anchovies from Catania - to “S” - Red Sausage from Castelpoto.
At Identità Naturali 2014 the pizzaiolo from Mestre had the task of making a niche subject such as supernatural cuisine more “mainstream”, by means of the most pop element there could be, a sandwich. And in doing so, he chose the trendiest, most metropolitan, inexorable sandwich of all: a burger. Lello gave his mini-mini take, with a burger made with chickpea and lentil four. His dream, however, is a ke-veg-burger.
Has participated in
Identità Milano
Roman, now living in Milan, sommelier, he's reporter of Il Giornale. He's been writing about taste for years