
The southern memories of Boer and Rizzo

Chef and pizzaiolo work in Lombardy. At Identità di Pizza, however, together they recall some memories from the South…

Eugenio Boer and Giuseppe Rizzo on the stage of

Eugenio Boer and Giuseppe Rizzo on the stage of Identità Milano 2019 (all the photos are from Brambilla-Serrani)

Eugenio Boer was born in Liguria to Dutch father and Sicilian mother and it was in Sicily that he started to work in the restaurant industry and stopped there for a few years. Giuseppe Rizzo of Pizzeria dell’Angolo in Vittuone (Milan), instead, comes from a family originally from Campania who moved to Milan in the Sixties. There is every premise to speak about building new memories, of mixing and blending cultures and traditions. Indeed, the two joined forces after Rizzo dined at Bu:r and their new collaboration, they reassure, will be a long one.

The two leavened products presented during Identità di Pane e Pizza, are the result of their personal stories. Whole wheat focaccia with fennel salad is the result of a distant (in time) inspiration: as a kid Boer, as soon as he arrived in Palermo, near the Vucciria market he came across an aroma he knew from childhood. When walking around the stands, he realised it was herrings, a must in the sandwiches his father would make for breakfast, something Sicily shares with northern Europe in terms of food.

Giuseppe Rizzo

Giuseppe Rizzo

The whole wheat focaccia is made with Petra 9 flour, a small portion of Petra Evolutiva and a mix of flax, sunflower and pumpkin seeds («This to remind Eugenio of the northern bread he’d eat as a child»). The high-hydration dough, for which Rizzo used mother yeast, was made from a poolish that matured for 18-22 hours and was kneaded the following day.

Focaccia integrale con insalata di finocchi

Focaccia integrale con insalata di finocchi

Pizza con sarde marinate, di zafferano, finocchietto, olio di sarde

Pizza con sarde marinate, di zafferano, finocchietto, olio di sarde

IG2019: costruire nuove memorie

Amelia De Francesco


Amelia De Francesco

Born in Naples, now based in Lucca, she started off as a literary critic before focusing on wine and food (her passion). She loves travelling and the friendly atmosphere of a dining experience

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