
The English version of Identità Golose’s Guide to restaurants is online

As of a few days ago, the Italian reviews are available in two languages. Another brick in our growing international vocation

A screenshot with some of the people awarded by th

A screenshot with some of the people awarded by the Guida ai Ristoranti d'Italia, Europa e Mondo di Identità Golose 2019, Identità Golose’s guide to restaurants in Italy, Europe and the rest of the world. As of ten days ago, it’s also available in English. Click here to read the reviews 

Of the many reasons why we’ll remember the 15th edition of the Identità Milano congress, there’s one we hold particularly dear. On Sunday 24th March, in the Auditorium, we announced the first English version of the Guida ai ristoranti di Identità Golose, Identità Golose’s Guide to restaurants.

«After 12 editions in Italian, we’ve taken a new, important step», Claudio Ceroni explained, «we summed up all the online reviews of the restaurants in Italy and translated them. It was a natural step, because our language is not as widespread as English, which is in fact a universal language. But most of all, we did this to reinforce a signal that has been stronger and more evident for a while: Identità Golose is acquiring an international scope, and will continue this way».

There are multiple proofs of this trend: we’ve been regularly translating the most significant content of www.identitagolose.it  since December 2011. And the same applies to the newsletters on Pasta and Pizza, since their very first issues (respectively in 2010 and 2015). Not to mention all the editions of Identità Golose organised abroad: London, Shanghai, New York, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, San Marino. And the constant presence of chefs with a foreign passport during the six months of Identità Expo, at the Hub in Via Romagnosi and at every edition of Identità Milano since 2005: only one week ago, at MiCo in Via Gattamelata our speakers included American, Argentinian, Belgian, Colombian, French, Japanese, English, Israeli, Mexican, Portuguese, Puerto Rican, Peruvian, Russian, Spanish, German, Turkish, Uruguayan chefs…

The English review of Osteria Francescana, Modena

The English review of Osteria Francescana, Modena

The English review of Cracco in Galleria, Milan

The English review of Cracco in Galleria, Milan

What are the features of the English version of the Guida ai Ristoranti di Identità Golose? The same as the Italian version: we started by summing up and translating the reviews of the Italian restaurants (a total of 699, at the moment) and soon we’ll translate the reviews of the foreign restaurants too (320 at the moment, from 44 countries in Europe and the rest of the world). The English version has the same features on which the success of the Italian version was based, which moved from paper to the Internet in 2015: it’s 100% online (and therefore it’s updated real time), it’s free and available to all.

The curator of the English Guide is Paolo MarchiGabriele Zanattais the editor in chief, while the work of adaptation of the reviews from Italian to English was made by Carlo Passera and Niccolò Vecchia, with the support of Elia BoganiChiara Nicolini and Manuel Crippa. All the content was translated into English by Slawka Scarso, a translator who’s been working for Identità since the first day of our bilingual project, and Chiara Baffa, an expert translator who recently started to work with our editorial team.

Translated into English by Slawka G. Scarso

Slawka Scarso, Identità Golose’s official translator since 2011

Slawka ScarsoIdentità Golose’s official translator since 2011

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Identità Golose

This article is curated by Identità Golose, the publication that organises the international fine dining congress, publishes website www.identitagolose.com and the online Guida Identità Golose, on top of curating many other events in Italy and abroad

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